Somewhere in the back of your closet gathering dust and turning yellow with age is comedic gold. Those old journals, poems, and essays you wrote as a teenager when you thought you could do no wrong, if you were to read it today you’d probably cringe at your former feelings. Imagine sharing that shame in front of an audience. That’s exactly what Sara Bynoe- the ‘Teen Angst Poetry Queen’ - has been doing for years.
A leader of the mortification movement, in 2000 Sara started TeenAngstPoetry.com; an online database of the world’s most purple poetry. She soon after began hosting readings encouraging everyone to join her in a celebration of awfulness. Then she edited an anthology; Teen Angst: A Celebration of REALLY BAD Poetry (St. Martin’s Press, 2005). In 2006 she sold out her performance of BAD GRAD at Calgary’s famous High Performance Rodeo. Now she has taken the best of the worst for her solo show, Fuck Off and Die: Tales in Teen Angst Poetry.
Expect the show to be a medley of mortification; poems of rhyming swears, classic teen ravings like ‘no one understands my pain’ and ‘I will never love again,’ a heart-bleeding song inspired by break-ups and an ode or two to Kurt Cobain. Part stand-up comedy, part poetry reading, and part verbatim theatre, Fuck off and Die is a heartfelt yet hilarious valentine for every lonely, angry and misunderstood teenager that ever lived because the truth is everyone understands your pain. Especially Sara.
Directed by AJ Demers (host of The Spin on City TV Calgary and a Loose Moose alumni), Sara Bynoe will have you leaving this show wishing you never threw out/ burned your old journals (or really thankful that you did).
Sara and her Teen Angst have been featured in: The Globe and Mail, Nylon Magazine, The Vancouver Sun, The Boston Herald, many CBC radio programs, The Georgia Straight, The WestEnder, Montreal Mirror, Dose, Quills, Ottawa Citizen, Calgary Herald, The Hour with George Strombolopolos and many more.
Fuck off and Die: Tales in Teen Angst Poetry is at the Toronto Fringe July 4-15
Thu, July 5 8:15 PM
Sat, July 7 9:45 PM
Sun, July 8 1:45 PM
Tue, July 10 10:45 PM
Wed, July 11 6:00 PM
Thu, July 12 3:30 PM
Fri, July 13 6:15 PM
Venue: Fringe Venue 7 - Tarragon Theatre Extra Space - 30 Bridgman Avenue
Tickets: $9 plus fringe pass -available at www.FringeToronto.com and (416) 966-1062
Toronto Fringe Publicist: Ms. Josee Duranleau
Phone: 416-652-7672
E-mail: jduranleau@rogers.com
Fuck Off and Die Publicist Info:
Media Contact: Sara Bynoe
Phone: 604-324-1519, C- 604-315-7285 from June 16-30 in Calgary at 403-251-7572
E-mail: sarabynoe@gmail.com
Websites: www.TeenAngstPoetry.com and www.SaraBynoe.com