Feb. 16, 8 pm-
Tales in Teen Angst Poetry -Sara Bynoe's Teen Angst standup/ poetry show.
At The Tsawwassen Arts Centre
1172 56th St, Delta, BC
Tickets at the door: $10-12.
I hope you can make it out to the'burbs to see it.
Part stand-up comedy, part performance poetry, part theatre- all Sara Bynoe!
You'll leave this show wishing you never threw out/ burned your old journals and singing the tune of "Fuck off and die."
Expect the show to be a medley of mortification; poems of rhyming swears, classic teen ravings like ‘no one understands my pain’ and ‘I will never love again,’ a heart-bleeding song inspired by break-ups and an ode or two to Kurt Cobain. Part stand-up comedy, part poetry reading, and part verbatim theatre, Fuck off and Die is a heartfelt yet hilarious valentine for every lonely, angry and misunderstood teenager that ever lived because the truth is everyone understands your pain. Especially Sara.
Directed by AJ Demers (host of The Spin on City TV Calgary and a Loose Moose alumni), Sara Bynoe will have you leaving this show wishing you never threw out/ burned your old journals (or really thankful that you did).